A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, "My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?"
The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, "We can't tell you. You're not a monk."
The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way. Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same monastery.
The monks again accept him, feed him, and even fix his car.
That night, he hears the same strange mesmerizing sound that he had heard years earlier.
The next morning, he asks what the sound was, but the monks reply, "We can't tell you. You're not a monk."
The man says, "All right, all right. I'm dying to know. If the only way I can find out what that sound was, is to become a monk, how do I become a monk?
The monks reply, you must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk.
The man sets about his task. Some forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, "I have traveled the earth and devoted my life to the task demanded and have found what you had asked for. There are 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth."
The monks reply, "Congratulations, you are correct and now you are a monk. We shall now show you the way to the sound."
The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, "The sound is behind that door."
The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He asks, "May I have the key?"
The monks give him the key, and he opens the door.
Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone. The man requests the key to the stone door.
The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire. And so it went until the man had gone through doors of emerald, silver, topaz, and amethyst.
Finally, the monks say, "This is the key to the last door."
The man is relieved to no end. He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is astonished to find the source of that strange sound.
It is truly an amazing and unbelievable sight . . . But I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk.
Feeling cheated? Then you are not alone =)
18 February 2009 , 2/18/2009 06:05:00 PM
Dillon mentioned some crazy guy on YouTube blended an iPhone... So I decided to search him up and found this!
07 February 2009 , 2/07/2009 12:47:00 PM
Nice Idea!
Spamming facebook now. Sure as hell doesnt help in my hw >.>
06 February 2009 , 2/06/2009 10:54:00 PM
Okay, end of the week figured I should post. Right first thing first: HAPPY BDAY ZIK ITS ABIT LATE BUT NVM (and i think i wished you alr but nvm) OH HOPE YOU LIKE YOUR PRESSIE!
Wonder what his present was?
Artist: Many many people =D Album name: Zikri's "amazing" EP Year: 6969 Genre: Hardcore Song list: 1. Mighty Morphing Power Rangers! 2. S.E.X 3. SexyBack 4. Sexy Can I 5. Sexual Eruption 6. Sex Bomb 7. I Wanna Fuck you 8. The Horny Song 9. The Assumption Song 10. Candy Shop 11. Love in this Club 12. Elmo's World
Hehe, beat that. Oh and thanks to Chris and Co. for their veli belated birthday book! Ima gonna read it over the weekends. Oh and thanks to Nicky too, for his chuppa chops!
Alright, eventful week, shahid went back to india for families matters (oh send regards to your grans for me), we all screwed for hw, messy bday party for zik (hi wei han XD), almost late for sch due to stupid train door malfunction and some guy kicking the bucket at the mrt station. Sweet week.
Wee, the new Nobel members are proooo. We got Martin and Don! Don don don donnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Aint that soo cool? Oh and our new robo team member is pro too! His name is Shen Yi, King of Push Up Positions! HE IS SO GONNA BE THE BRAINS OF OUR GROUP. Oh and I soo love staying up at night to do math. I mean, its great, aint it? Leaves you very awake the next morning
Okay, enough sarcasm
So anyways, NJRC group, me, YX, Edwin, Donovan and Shen Yi. Not bad i guess. YX is so gonna be our ace. Hehe.
Right so today had math remedial, damn joke, Mr Lee just gave us 1 question to do. Can do, can leave early. Sweet. Left in 15 mins. Wahaha. Stupid careless mistakes >.>
Robo pretty joke too. Kana training. All I learnt was that the speaker was on the RIGHT and not on the LEFT. Oh yea, I also learnt this...
Big to Small Gear Ratio=VRHOOOMMM
Talk about negative understanding.
Right, so exco meeting, yada yada, saikang warrior (hehe, sucky status but hey, whatever I do IS a joke), yada yada, running late for impromptu family event yada yada, start raining, yada, didnt get to go for art bbq =( yada yada, aye jam, yada, reach home have to bathe quicky, yada, family event, yada.
Bet that summarises my day.
16 January 2009 , 1/16/2009 10:17:00 PM
Dead Man's Ramblings
Wow. I feel tired. Really tired. Its been like 3 days into MPP and I can already feel it sapping my time. Been a long day. Cleaning SC room was fun I guess. Kudos to the random objects and food stuff found. Robo noticeboard still looks shabby. The robot on it looks darn corny if you ask me. My neck hurts. Stupid seating arrangement. Sleeping the other way doesnt help either. I need to stock up on stationary. But again, maybe I can go raid the sc room. Shucks. Tmr still need to go and do MPP. One Saturday burnt liddat. Sheez.
01 January 2009 , 1/01/2009 10:24:00 PM
Care Bear Stare!
Horale. Class outing was great seh. Bowling is damn fun, even though I pretty much suck at it >.> There was this once where I slipped the ball and it bounced into the next lane. Epic win. The 16 pound ball is surprisingly effective though. If you happen to slip and make the ball land on your feet, GG.
Right, so after bowling, everyone was deciding where to eat. KFC was the final choice and so we looked for it. Appearantly someone said it was on the first floor, when there is a gigantic banner saying "KFC @ #03-XX". It took a closer look at the directory to finally locate KFC >.>
Meanwhile, in the chaos, some people managed to slip off unnoticed. When we finally meet them at the KFC, this came along wrapped in someone's jacket (i think its yj's):
Wow. Thats one gift I will never forget. I mean, its not everyday you get to have lunch, watch a movie and go arcade with a teddy bear.
Okay, so off to the movies. We watched Yes Man and it was quite good la. Not as good as the previous Jim Carrey movies though >.> Shant spoil the plot for people who haven watch.
Arcade is fun as usual, shucks that I lost to shahid in the racing game (I WILL BEAT YOU WAHAHA!).
At any rate, blah blah blah, group shot, blah blah blah, lots of failed jump shots, blah blah blah, Timo makes noble sacrifice, blah, successful jump shot! Will post them after I kope them from zik.
Okay, so time to go home. My parents wanted me to go Boon Keng Mrt to meet them and I was at Kallang...
Ah jeez, Boon Keng is like geographically NEXT to Kallang. Stupis MRT planners.
Okay, so I arrived at Boon Keng early and decided to camp at Macs. There was a table filled with kiddies next to me...
"Eh look! Teddy bear!" "Wa so cute!" "I want too!"
Ah sheez. I just wanna eat my nuggets in piece >.>
What an eventful day eh?
Oh and before I forget, here is a present some relative of mine gave me. The present was lumpy, soft and hard in places. I laughed my arse off when I saw the contents:
Now THAT explains.
07 April 2009 , 4/07/2009 05:51:00 PM
Just keep swimming~
Hehe... Found this joke on the net...
The Monk
A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, "My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?"
The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, "We can't tell you. You're not a monk."
The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way. Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same monastery.
The monks again accept him, feed him, and even fix his car.
That night, he hears the same strange mesmerizing sound that he had heard years earlier.
The next morning, he asks what the sound was, but the monks reply, "We can't tell you. You're not a monk."
The man says, "All right, all right. I'm dying to know. If the only way I can find out what that sound was, is to become a monk, how do I become a monk?
The monks reply, you must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk.
The man sets about his task. Some forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, "I have traveled the earth and devoted my life to the task demanded and have found what you had asked for. There are 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth."
The monks reply, "Congratulations, you are correct and now you are a monk. We shall now show you the way to the sound."
The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, "The sound is behind that door."
The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He asks, "May I have the key?"
The monks give him the key, and he opens the door.
Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone. The man requests the key to the stone door.
The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire. And so it went until the man had gone through doors of emerald, silver, topaz, and amethyst.
Finally, the monks say, "This is the key to the last door."
The man is relieved to no end. He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is astonished to find the source of that strange sound.
It is truly an amazing and unbelievable sight . . . But I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk.
Feeling cheated? Then you are not alone =)
18 February 2009 , 2/18/2009 06:05:00 PM
Dillon mentioned some crazy guy on YouTube blended an iPhone... So I decided to search him up and found this!
07 February 2009 , 2/07/2009 12:47:00 PM
Nice Idea!
Spamming facebook now. Sure as hell doesnt help in my hw >.>
06 February 2009 , 2/06/2009 10:54:00 PM
Okay, end of the week figured I should post. Right first thing first: HAPPY BDAY ZIK ITS ABIT LATE BUT NVM (and i think i wished you alr but nvm) OH HOPE YOU LIKE YOUR PRESSIE!
Wonder what his present was?
Artist: Many many people =D Album name: Zikri's "amazing" EP Year: 6969 Genre: Hardcore Song list: 1. Mighty Morphing Power Rangers! 2. S.E.X 3. SexyBack 4. Sexy Can I 5. Sexual Eruption 6. Sex Bomb 7. I Wanna Fuck you 8. The Horny Song 9. The Assumption Song 10. Candy Shop 11. Love in this Club 12. Elmo's World
Hehe, beat that. Oh and thanks to Chris and Co. for their veli belated birthday book! Ima gonna read it over the weekends. Oh and thanks to Nicky too, for his chuppa chops!
Alright, eventful week, shahid went back to india for families matters (oh send regards to your grans for me), we all screwed for hw, messy bday party for zik (hi wei han XD), almost late for sch due to stupid train door malfunction and some guy kicking the bucket at the mrt station. Sweet week.
Wee, the new Nobel members are proooo. We got Martin and Don! Don don don donnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Aint that soo cool? Oh and our new robo team member is pro too! His name is Shen Yi, King of Push Up Positions! HE IS SO GONNA BE THE BRAINS OF OUR GROUP. Oh and I soo love staying up at night to do math. I mean, its great, aint it? Leaves you very awake the next morning
Okay, enough sarcasm
So anyways, NJRC group, me, YX, Edwin, Donovan and Shen Yi. Not bad i guess. YX is so gonna be our ace. Hehe.
Right so today had math remedial, damn joke, Mr Lee just gave us 1 question to do. Can do, can leave early. Sweet. Left in 15 mins. Wahaha. Stupid careless mistakes >.>
Robo pretty joke too. Kana training. All I learnt was that the speaker was on the RIGHT and not on the LEFT. Oh yea, I also learnt this...
Big to Small Gear Ratio=VRHOOOMMM
Talk about negative understanding.
Right, so exco meeting, yada yada, saikang warrior (hehe, sucky status but hey, whatever I do IS a joke), yada yada, running late for impromptu family event yada yada, start raining, yada, didnt get to go for art bbq =( yada yada, aye jam, yada, reach home have to bathe quicky, yada, family event, yada.
Bet that summarises my day.
16 January 2009 , 1/16/2009 10:17:00 PM
Dead Man's Ramblings
Wow. I feel tired. Really tired. Its been like 3 days into MPP and I can already feel it sapping my time. Been a long day. Cleaning SC room was fun I guess. Kudos to the random objects and food stuff found. Robo noticeboard still looks shabby. The robot on it looks darn corny if you ask me. My neck hurts. Stupid seating arrangement. Sleeping the other way doesnt help either. I need to stock up on stationary. But again, maybe I can go raid the sc room. Shucks. Tmr still need to go and do MPP. One Saturday burnt liddat. Sheez.
01 January 2009 , 1/01/2009 10:24:00 PM
Care Bear Stare!
Horale. Class outing was great seh. Bowling is damn fun, even though I pretty much suck at it >.> There was this once where I slipped the ball and it bounced into the next lane. Epic win. The 16 pound ball is surprisingly effective though. If you happen to slip and make the ball land on your feet, GG.
Right, so after bowling, everyone was deciding where to eat. KFC was the final choice and so we looked for it. Appearantly someone said it was on the first floor, when there is a gigantic banner saying "KFC @ #03-XX". It took a closer look at the directory to finally locate KFC >.>
Meanwhile, in the chaos, some people managed to slip off unnoticed. When we finally meet them at the KFC, this came along wrapped in someone's jacket (i think its yj's):
Wow. Thats one gift I will never forget. I mean, its not everyday you get to have lunch, watch a movie and go arcade with a teddy bear.
Okay, so off to the movies. We watched Yes Man and it was quite good la. Not as good as the previous Jim Carrey movies though >.> Shant spoil the plot for people who haven watch.
Arcade is fun as usual, shucks that I lost to shahid in the racing game (I WILL BEAT YOU WAHAHA!).
At any rate, blah blah blah, group shot, blah blah blah, lots of failed jump shots, blah blah blah, Timo makes noble sacrifice, blah, successful jump shot! Will post them after I kope them from zik.
Okay, so time to go home. My parents wanted me to go Boon Keng Mrt to meet them and I was at Kallang...
Ah jeez, Boon Keng is like geographically NEXT to Kallang. Stupis MRT planners.
Okay, so I arrived at Boon Keng early and decided to camp at Macs. There was a table filled with kiddies next to me...
"Eh look! Teddy bear!" "Wa so cute!" "I want too!"
Ah sheez. I just wanna eat my nuggets in piece >.>
What an eventful day eh?
Oh and before I forget, here is a present some relative of mine gave me. The present was lumpy, soft and hard in places. I laughed my arse off when I saw the contents: